Unveiling the MINI PEARL 1024B: A Revolution in Lighting Control

mini pearl 1024b

If you’re in the market for a lighting console that combines advanced functionality with user-friendly features, look no further than the MINI PEARL 1024B. Built with high-quality Japanese buttons, this powerhouse device promises a stable performance with its robust RAM and processor. Let’s delve into what makes this lighting controller a standout choice for professionals in the industry.

Comprehensive DMX512 Channel Control
At the heart of the MINI PEARL 1024B lies its impressive DMX512 channel capacity. With 1024 channels at your disposal, you’ll have unparalleled control over your lighting setup. This expansive channel range allows you to connect up to 96 fixtures, each of which can utilize a maximum of 40 main control channels and an additional 40 trim channels. Whether you’re working on a small-scale production or a large-scale event, the MINI PEARL 1024B ensures you have all the control you need.

Extensive Fixture Library
The MINI PEARL 1024B is equipped with the R20 pearl light library, providing you with a comprehensive database of fixtures to choose from. This extensive library simplifies the process of configuring your lighting setup, saving you time and ensuring compatibility with a wide range of lighting fixtures.

Enhanced Scene Management
One of the standout features of the MINI PEARL 1024B is its scene management capabilities. You can save up to 60 different scenes, with the ability to run 10 scenes simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for complex productions where multiple scenes need to be managed at the same time. Each multi-step scenario can accommodate up to 600 steps, providing you with the flexibility to create intricate lighting sequences.

Advanced Scene Time Control
Precision is key when it comes to lighting control, and the MINI PEARL 1024B excels in this area with its advanced scene time control options. You can easily manage fade-in and fade-out times, as well as LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) sliding. These features ensure smooth transitions and precise timing, enhancing the overall visual experience of your production.

Powerful Graphics Generation and Storage
The MINI PEARL 1024B’s graphics capabilities are another highlight. You can store up to 5 graphics for each scene, allowing you to incorporate a variety of visual elements into your lighting design. The graphics generator supports a wide range of effects, including dimmer, pan/tilt, RGB, CMYK, color, gobo, iris, and focus graphics. Furthermore, you can run up to 10 graphics simultaneously, providing you with endless creative possibilities.

Versatile Master Fader
The master fader on the MINI PEARL 1024B offers global, repeat, and lighting control options. This versatility ensures that you have the precise control you need, whether you’re managing overall lighting levels or specific repeat sequences.

Convenient U Disk Support
In today’s digital age, ease of access to data is crucial. The MINI PEARL 1024B supports U disk read functionality in FAT32 format, allowing you to easily transfer and store data. This feature ensures that your lighting configurations and scenes are always accessible, making setup and adjustments quick and efficient.

The MINI PEARL 1024B is more than just a lighting controller; it’s a comprehensive tool designed to meet the demands of modern lighting professionals. With its extensive DMX512 channel capacity, advanced scene management, powerful graphics capabilities, and user-friendly features, the MINI PEARL 1024B stands out as a top choice for anyone looking to elevate their lighting setup. Experience the difference that high-quality Japanese craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology can make in your productions with the MINI PEARL 1024B.

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